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   INITSUP()       Initialize values for library - colors, etc
     Usage         Initsup()
     Notes         The following variables are made public:
                       s_init_ok   -  INITIALIZATION HAS BEEN DONE
                       c_normcol   +
                       c_normmenu  |
                       c_popcol    |- GLOBAL COLORS
                       c_popmenu   +
                       xplode      -  MAKE WINDOWS EXPLODE/IMPLODE
                   The following SETS are done:
                       SET CONFIRM OFF
                       SET BELL OFF
                       SET SAFETY OFF
                       SET WRAP ON
                       SET SCOREBOARD OFF
                       SET TYPEAHEAD TO 100

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson